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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I amend my account details and / or change the address, name and password?
Yes, you can, and all you have to do is log in to your account, and then make the changes you want.

Can I change my personal account details such as username and email id?
As a customer, you can modify most of your personal account information as you wish.

I forgot the password for my account. What should be done?
You must click on the phrase "forgot password" on the login page to the "Fancy Sweete" website, and enter the email address that was registered. The user will receive an email to change the password.

What if I need any support or inquiries?
You can contact our customer service team by calling us or sending a text message via email or WhatsApp. You can access our numbers and contact details from the "Contact Us" page.

What is Fancy Sweete?
It is an e-commerce site. Fancy Sweete is a modern platform that uses the highest technology and provides a variety of options for customers to conclude business deals through a secure online environment for purchase.

How to buy goods online?
First you have to register for an account within the Fancy Sweete site, and then browse the site and buy what you want. Our website provides a range of payment options to suit your budget or specific needs. After completing the purchase, you will receive the goods you have chosen through a shipping company, where they will be delivered directly to the address you specified previously.

Can I buy and receive goods in a country that is not included in the list of countries?
Unfortunately, you cannot.


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